

persistent fetal circulation syndrome: A syndrome of persistent PULMONARY HYPERTENSION in the newborn infant (INFANT, NEWBORN) without demonstrable HEART DISEASES. This neonatal condition can be caused by severe pulmonary vasoconstriction (reactive type), hypertrophy of pulmonary arterial muscle (hypertrophic type), or abnormally developed pulmonary arterioles (hypoplastic type). The newborn patient exhibits CYANOSIS and ACIDOSIS due to the persistence of fetal circulatory pattern of right-to-left shunting of blood through a patent ductus arteriosus (DUCTUS ARTERIOSUS, PATENT) and at times a patent foramen ovale (FORAMEN OVALE, PATENT).

Data source
FinnGen phenocode R18_FASCICULATION
Hospital Discharge registry ICD-10: R253
Cause of Death registry ICD-10: R253
Level in the ICD-hierarchy 4
First defined in version DF4
DOID 13042
GWAS catalog 1001103
MESH D005207
SNOMED CT 233815004

Key figures

Sex All Female Male
Number of individuals 91 47 44
Unadjusted prevalence (%) 0.05 0.05 0.06
Mean age at first event (years) 50.38 45.45 55.65
Case fatality at 5-years (%) 2.2 0.0 4.55

Longitudinal metrics

Sex All Female Male
Median nb. of events per indiv. 1 1 1
Recurrence at 6 months (%) 32.97 34.04 31.82


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