Dysplasia of cervi uteri


dysplasia of cervix: Abnormal development of immature squamous epithelial cells of the uterine cervix, a term used to describe premalignant cytological changes in the cervical epithelium. These atypical cells do not penetrate the epithelial basement membrane.

Data source
FinnGen phenocode N14_DYSPLACERVUT
Hospital Discharge registry ICD-10: N87, ICD-8: 621
Hospital Discharge registry: exclude ICD-8 62191
Cause of Death registry ICD-10: N87, ICD-8: 621
Cause of Death registry: exclude ICD-8 62191
Sex specific endpoint 2
Level in the ICD-hierarchy 3
First defined in version DF2
DOID 8586
GWAS catalog 1000910
MESH D002578
SNOMED CT 73391008

Key figures

Sex All Female Male
Number of individuals 3242 3242 -
Unadjusted prevalence (%) 1.86 3.27 -
Mean age at first event (years) 36.78 36.78 -
Case fatality at 5-years (%) 0.28 0.28 -

Longitudinal metrics

Sex All Female Male
Median nb. of events per indiv. 2 2 -
Recurrence at 6 months (%) 35.62 35.66 -


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