Benign neoplasm: Lacrimal gland and duct


choriocarcinoma: An aggressive malignant tumor arising from trophoblastic cells. The vast majority of cases arise in the uterus and represent gestational choriocarcinomas that derive from placental trophoblastic cells. Approximately half of the cases develop from a complete hydatidiform mole. A minority of cases arise in the testis or the ovaries. There is often marked elevation of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the blood. Choriocarcinomas disseminate rapidly through the hematogenous route; the lungs are most frequently affected.

Data source
FinnGen phenocode CD2_BENIGN_LACRIMAL
Level in the ICD-hierarchy 3
First defined in version DF2
DOID 3594
GWAS catalog 0002893
MESH D005134
SNOMED CT 188188009

Key figures

Sex All Female Male
Number of individuals 13 10 -
Unadjusted prevalence (%) 0.01 0.01 -
Mean age at first event (years) 64.54 61.91 -
Case fatality at 5-years (%) 0.0 0.0 -

Longitudinal metrics

Sex All Female Male
Median nb. of events per indiv. 2 3 -
Recurrence at 6 months (%) 53.85 60.0 -


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